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Customer Kiosk - Customer Information - V9 With iPad Or Genius - Prism With/Without Genius Device

Customer Identification, Information Capture and Information Verification - Prism v2.3 Compatible
  • For iPad, Customers can enter phone or email at the kiosk to identify themselves.
  • For iPad, Customers can enter or verify their information on the kiosk.
  • For Genius, Customers can enter phone number to identify themselves.
  • For Genius, Customers can enter phone number, birthday and choose opt-ins on the Genius device.
  • Customer information includes name and optionally address, email, one or two phone numbers, birthday (with or without year), email opt-in, phone opt-in, post opt-in.
  • The Prism version will work with the Genius device or without the Genius device where the cashier enters all information.
  • Works with receipts and sales orders.
  • User-defined text and labels.
  • Subscription License By Number of Devices (iPads or Genius).
  • Centralized licensing.
  • Devices can be assigned to any subsidiary/store/workstation.
  • Installation by install executable.
  • Click Here To See The iPad Demonstration Video

    Contact Your Retail Pro Reseller to purchase this product.

    View the Prism Installation and User Manual (PDF)

    View the iPad Version Installation and User Manual (PDF)

    View the Genius Version Installation and User Manual (PDF)

    Sample Phone Number Capture screen on the Genius:
    The Quick Customer Info screen for Prism:
    Sample Verify Customer Information screen on the Genius:
    Sample Opt-In Capture screen on the Genius:
    Sample Customer Information Capture screen on the iPad (all information):
    This screen can be customized in Setup on the Retail Pro side to include only the information the user wants with their wording.